PRCC Meeting Agenda May 3rd, 2022


Phinney Ridge Community Council

Join Zoom Meeting - Tuesday May 3rd at 7 pm:

Meeting ID: 885 4069 9410 Passcode: 469562


REDISTRICTING It has been 10 years since Council Districts were formed and evaluation is made for population based on the 2020 census. We are in District 6 of the City Council and there will an election for each district--as you may know ours is now held by Dan Strauss. Here are some links to take a look at changes to the Districts boundaries.

Our District has some odd boundaries as you'll see in the second link. One comment I have observed is that the layout for our area is awkward since it doesn't follow natural boundaries of the communities and layout of community councils so it has been hard to network with communities so far from us particularly to the east. And I had been hoping for each District to have it's own group to facilitate sharing of issues but the currentCity leadership did not initiate that. As a result the Council members end up bouncing around to each community often needing to repeat themselves and communities have minial impact.

In an earlier meeting on redistricting they said D 6 needed more area because out population was less than others, of course because the 1500 new apartment units in Greenwood alone weren't occupied at the the time of the census so they won't be counted. Anyway, probe around these links and think about what the consequences are of these boundaries. You'll need to zoom in on the map to find the fine print of streets in our boundaries. Note that they have moved the boundary with Wallingford to 45th instead of 50th which makes that community very unhappy. Our boundary to the north is particularly odd as well. There is a public input component to this so you are encouraged to take a listen in our meeting and do what we do so well--INPUT IDEAS!

6817 Greenwood Living Building Also being presented at this meeting, will be an update to 62 feet high condos between the Woodland Park Church and the Fini Condos. Living Building is a national program that Seattle modified to encourage developers to make their building more environmentally efficient by getting more benefits (an additional floor in height) in this case 62 ft which will be the tallest building on Phinney.. The developer team has presented before and we will see an update. Here is the link for you to take a look. The permit numbers are 3032679-EG for the design review, 3032404-LU for MUP, and 6673209-CN for building permit.