December 7, 2021 Agenda
Time: Tuesday 7pm
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Meeting ID: 885 4069 9410
Passcode: 469562
Green Lake Outer Loop Project, SDOT Presentation (See link below to SDOT website for background info.)
Background from PRCC President
During the pandemic SDOT closed West Green Lake Way N from the Pitch n Putt to N 63rd at the Aurora underpass. Due to demand throughout Phinney/Greenwood, Green Lake and surrounding neighborhoods, it was reopened to vehicles late October. While the existing road had single directional bike lanes marked on both sides of the lanes in the direction of traffic, a new separate "multi modal" lane was constructed and marked for bicycles. " Multi modal" use refers to walk, run and bike" as a critical use in the Seattle Transportation Levy that provides funds for these projects.
During this time a group, Reimagine Aurora, developed a concept to extend the recently installed protected bicycle lanes around the west side of Green Lake by dedicating the outer vehicle lane of Aurora and along West Green Lake Drive along the Bath House Theater to Winona. This idea has been embraced by SDOT and they have begun planning for closing the outside lane on Aurora and West Green Lake Drive to accommodate "multi modal." uses, similar to the existing lakeside path. SDOT held an on-line meeting a few weeks ago to announce the design and launch a survey. While the survey closes prior to this meeting, SDOT has agreed to leave it open for additional comments.
Due to technical difficulties at that meeting not all people were able to submit questions in the chat. This meeting is hosted by volunteers of our Community Council. It is a chance to review proposed plans and give additional feedback from a Phinney/Greenwood users perspective and evaluate the needs outlined by Bicycle Master Plan and the Transportation Levy Oversight Committee. Links to these plans are listed below and it is important to understand their importance in determining priorities and the need for particular projects. We look forward to your participation in this meeting. Questions can be submitted on the Chat box during the meeting and we encourage you to include them in the comment section of the survey which will go directly to SDOT.
1. Bicycle Master Plan which identifies projects which priorities projects equitably balanced throughout the city.
pg 17 Map of city wide projects 2019-2024;
pg 30 North Sector Project map
pg 37 Race and Social Justice Initiative The vision of the Seattle Race and Social Justice Initiative is to eliminate racial inequity in the community. To do this requires ending individual racism, institutional racism, and structural racism. The Racial Equity Toolkit lays out a process and a set of questions to help evaluate and guide project and program development. This toolkit was used as part of creating the BMP and is also used to evaluate individual projects.
2. Transportation Levy Oversight Committee which identifies projects that meet criteria of needs and equitable view See page 10 for Projects Not Funded.
3. Freight Master Plan which identifies Aurora as a major route moving goods thru the city and to the northern part of the state. MAP PLAN
4. Emergency Management Plan which identifies major evacuation routes thru the city in the event of natural events and unnatural disasters.