Transportation Levy - Shana
This is the $1.55 billion levy that will be voted on in Nov. Seattle Times story on 7/9/24 explains the levy cost: "To fund the levy spending, property owners would pay a rate of 65 cents for every $1,000 of assessed property value, which would be collected beginning next year through 2032. The owner of a median-priced home assessed at $804,000 would pay an estimated $520 a year — about $230 more than they pay now."
Link to SDOT capital projects list. Some of these could be funded under the new levy
May 2, 2023 PRCC Meeting
Guest speakers from the Seattle Office of Housing provided info about the upcoming renewal of the housing levy. This proposed 7 year, $970 million levy would cost $383/year for the median priced home versus $114/year for the expiring levy.
To listen to a recording of this session click below
Passcode is 7tQ%vq=G
Urban Tree Legislation
The City Council is reviewing the proposal for the next two months. Select Committee on the 2023 Housing Levy - Council |
April meeting focused on the new "tree" ordinance.
The city’s Tree Hearing schedule is here: Tree Protection Ordinance Schedule.
Go to the Council Live page and look for video of March 29th and April 7th hearing on the ordinance (CB120534)
Watch Council Live - Council |
Text of ordinance and background info here
SEATTLE CITY COUNCIL - Record No: CB 120534 (
More Information at the following links:
Friends of Urban Forests
If you click the "home" tab at their website, you'll see their suggested revisions to the proposed ordinance.
Seattle's Urban Forestry Commission
The Fate of Trees in Seattle is the topic for April 4 at 7pm
Zoom in at
At the April PRCC meeting, the topic was the proposed new tree ordinance. The Land Use Committee (Dan Strauss, chair) began discussion on a new (watered down) version from the original updated tree ordinance which was appealed by the Master Builders Assn. That appeal was rejected but observers feel that the "revised" ordinance has too many loopholes. Comment and debate on the ordinance will continue until April 26 and voted on by the full council on May 9.
The next city hearing is 4/7/2023 2PM. The city’s Tree Hearing schedule is here: Tree Protection Ordinance Schedule.
Go to the Council Live page and look for video of March 29th briefing on the ordinance (CB120534)
Watch Council Live - Council |
Text of ordinance and background info here
SEATTLE CITY COUNCIL - Record No: CB 120534 (
More Information at the following links:
Friends of Urban Forests
If you click the "home" tab at their website, you'll see their suggested revisions to the proposed ordinance.
Seattle's Urban Forestry Commission
They will be discussing it Wednesday, April 5, 2023 - 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m via Webex and in-person at Municipal Tower Room 1872. Details for joining at link above.
Seattle City Land Use Committee
They will be discussing particular aspects of the ordinance-- Tiers of Tree Protections, Budget Allocations and staff analysis. Friday April 7, 2023 - 2:00 p.m. You can see it and prior meetings at
Here are some of the problems with the ordinance per its critics:
Revise the proposed ordinance to amend the tree removal incentives as follows:
· the proposed 85% lot coverage provision is just 2.5-ft from being lot-line-to-lot-line. Revised the lot coverage provision to be higher than 60% lot coverage (as detailed below). Allocate 20% of lot for exterior amenity space and tree provisions.
· the $2,833 fee-in-lieu for tree removal is too low by a factor of 8. SDCI projects 483 trees to be removed with resulting collected funds only suffice to allow just 55 trees to be planted (figuring the cost to plant and maintain a new tree for 5 years), and
· the proposed removal of private property tree groves from the Directors Rule definition of protected ‘tier 2’ trees. Reinstate the provisions for Tree Groves within the Directors Rule and all code provisions.
Feb 7, 2023 Meeting with CM Dan Strauss
PRCC will host a community Q&A session with District 6 City Councilmember, Dan Strauss at the February meeting. In advance, please send in questions to Alice at
Early Design Review Meeting for 6010 Phinney Apartment Development 1-23-2023
Virtual meeting at 5 pm on January 23rd. This is a 5-story, 38 unit building with 21 parking spaces.
Listen Line: 206-207-1700 Access Code: 2489 987 8720 Public Comment Link:
Notice Record Number: 001334-22PN
Important Meeting on Seattle Comprehensive Plan
Online Community Meeting on January 30 - 6 pm t0 7:30
This virtual meeting will be an opportunity to learn more about the Plan and to provide feedback that will help shape this major Update. The Seattle Office of Planning and Development will present and update with a question and answer session to follow.
Join us here on January 30:
This meeting is hosted on Microsoft Teams, which is required for attendance. Once Teams is installed, you can click on the meeting link above or join via your internet browser. More information below.
Additional attendance options:
Join this meeting via your internet browser:
Meeting ID: 289 244 083 201
Passcode: VATQ4FCall into this meeting (audio only)
Phone Conference ID: 363 728 176#
Tap the phone link and the system will automatically input the conference ID. Wait a moment after that and you will be in the meeting.
November meeting report
The architects (Cone Architects) of the 6010 Phinney project showed preliminary options for the development and that they will begin the Master Use permit process soon and anticipate the Early Design Guidance meeting in January 2024. The owner has engaged a consultant to determine steps needed to clean up contaminants on the site. Previous studies (2009) showed significant contamination at the site. Project will be rentals ranging in size from 450 sf to 750 sf. See below for more info.
During the Q&A period, Kate from CM Strauss office provided the following links for more information on the City budget process. Also a link to the City customer service bureau to report illegal camping.
Other Development Activity
Early engagement for development of the 6010 Phinney site (current location of Chef Liao & Phinney Ridge Cleaners). Architect described the project as a "new mixed use structure, containing 1 below grade parking level and 5 above grade levels. There will be 2 commercial spaces at the ground floor, and 38 residential units above with 22 parking spaces indicated. The owner would like to propose a mix of studio, 1-bedroom, and 2-bedroom units." Cone Architecture is doing public outreach per Dept. of Neighborhoods requirements. More info and survey at
Methodist Church at 302 N. 78th will be demolished and replaced with about 75 workforce, family-sized apartments, and new space for the church. The residential units distributed over 6 floors; a couple of retail spaces and a religious institution at street level; served by 18 parking spaces and some amenities in the basement. The parking lot on east side will be sold and developed separately per the presubmittal document. SDCI Record Number: 3039854-EG
Record Number: 3039854-EG-PC - Seattle Services Portal |
The condo project at 6817 Greenwood (propose as a Living Building pilot project) received a final Design Review Board approval so will proceed through the permitting process. This building will gain 12 extra feet of height under the LB pilot). See the Recommendation Report pdf at link below.
Record Number: 3032404-LU - Seattle Services Portal |
The 31 unit apartment project at 6555 Greenwood received many comments from the neighbors concerned about the lack of parking and incompatibility of the structure height with the surrounding community. The project is now under Administrative Design Review. See comments at Record Number: 3039689-EG-PC - Seattle Services Portal | Comments on SEDU Development
SDCI is accepting public comment for Administrative Design Review for 31 unit apt. building at 6555 Greenwood Ave. N. This will replace the existing fourplex.
Deadline is August 24, 2022. You are invited to offer comments regarding important site planning and design issues you believe should be addressed in the design of this project. Please note that the proposed design will likely evolve through the review process. These changes will be reflected in the Design Proposal documents included with other project documents found at Seattle Services Portal ( or Permits Search. Reference number is 3039689-EG
Submit all comments and requests to be made party of record to or City of Seattle – SDCI – PRC, 700 5th Avenue, Suite 2000, PO Box 34019, Seattle, WA 98124-4019
Record Number: 3039689-EG - Seattle Services Portal |
Seattle Comprehensive Plan SEPA Scoping Comments EXTENDED TO AUGUST 22, 2022
"Seattle is expected to continue to see significant housing and job growth. Regional planning policies require Seattle to plan for at least 169,500 new jobs and 112,000 new homes by 2044 "
Where will this housing be built and what type of housing? Read about the options under study to increase density in different ways.
More information on the EIS process and alternatives as well as materials related to the proposal may be reviewed on the project website:
Agencies, affected tribes, and members of the public are invited to comment on the scope of the EIS. You may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, probable significant adverse impacts, and licenses or other approvals that may be required. The method and deadline for providing comments is as follows:
Comments may be submitted 3 ways: (1) on the Comprehensive Plan Update engagement platform at; (2) by email to; or (3) by letter to Brennon Staley Office of Planning and Community Development, P.O. Box 94788, Seattle, WA 98124-7088
31 unit SEDU project to replace fourplex at 6555 Greenwood
On June 21st interested neighbors met with the developer and his architect who confirmed this will be a 31 unit development with only small units (under 300 sf). No parking is required and none will be provided. Rents will average around $1500/month. The developer claimed that only 10% of the residents are likely to have cars. Conceptual plans will be posted on the SDCI site within a few week. The project is subject to SEPA (environmental review) and Administrative Design Review (no involvement by the NW Design Review Board). The public will be invited to comment on the design but there is no public meeting. . Below is link to report on community survey about the project