Homestead Land Trust is developing two projects on Phinney Avenue between 59th and 61st. These will be condo units for sale to income qualified buyers with some of the units also offered at "market rates."

Here are links (12/2024) describing the two Phinney Ridge projects from Homestead website. Construction is underway on the 5819 building now called Woodland View.

BACKGROUND...(Previous (2023) deadlines for public comments and presentations by HLT)

Comments Due for Admin Design Review on 6109 Phinney Ave Project

SDCI will accept written comments to assist in the preparation of the early design guidance through June 14,

2023. You are invited to offer comments regarding important site planning and design issues you believe

should be addressed in the design of this project. Information at link below. ( or Permits Search for project number 3040105-EG 

This is a Homestead Land Trust project - a 5-story, 30-unit building with 2 live-work units and 9 parking spaces.

Recording of October 4th Meeting with Homestead Land Trust Passcode: YD6I*&u@ 

Homestead Land Trust  provided background on their model for building affordable housing and some details on their two condo projects (5819 Phinney and 6109 Phinney.)  Two surveys to gather public comment will remain open for several more weeks. HLT announced that A La Mode Pies plans to return to the new building. 

Both developments are in the Administrative Design Review process at SDCI so comments about the project's design and environmental impacts can be registered there as well. See our Homestead Land Trust Page for links and background,

6109 Phinney Ave 

19 permanently affordable homes, 11 market-rate homes including 2 live/work ground floor units. The homes are for-sale condominium flats;  1, 2 and 3 bedroom units with 10 at-grade parking spaces. 

 5819 Phinney Ave.

19 permanently affordable homes, 6 market-rate homes, and 2 ground floor commercial/retail spaces. These homes are for-sale condominium flats.: 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units with 9 at-grade parking spaces.

HLT Update at PRCC Oct 4, 2022 Meeting

The developer and project architects presented information on both projects now going through Administrative Design Review.  Recording of the meeting at link below.

Passcode: YD6I*&u@ 

The Project at 5819 Phinney Avenue

This project is under review by SDCI now and public comments are being accepted. This project is now 25 units (16 income qualified units and 9 market rate units) with two commercial spaces at ground level, and a total of 9 surface parking spaces. The project is using the new 55-foot zoning to allow a 5 story building.

View and post public comments and find a link to project drawings and related information via the link below. Use the project address (5819 Phinney Ave) or project number 3038202-LU to navigate to the details about the project.

Public Comments - Seattle Services Portal | 

 The Project at 6109 Phinney Avenue

This project's comment period has closed but information about the project can be located on SDCI website. That project number is 3038581. This is also a mixed income condo project providing 30 residential units, 3 commercial units and 10 parking spaces.

Homestead Land Trust Developments in Phinney!Arj1LWdFK0oJkAH9Fr5MLVqjA2wh

Above is link to recording of the June 2021 PRCC meeting with the Director of Homestead Land Trust (HLT). HLT is developing two properties on Phinney that will provide a mix of condo units, some priced as "affordable" and some as market rate